Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Must See" Horror Film #32

Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Who wouldn't want a little comedy in their horror? This one taps into the laughs and the "bloody" nonsense of this genre. It's a typical day for Shaun (Simon Pegg), annoying roommates, running late for work, disrespectful employees and oh yes, Zombies! Shaun and his slacker best friend Ed must navigate around the newly dead in order to save Shaun's ex-girlfriend, Mother & Step-Father and take them to the safety of the local pub "The Winchester". While on their journey they run into a plethora of undead obstacles. They must think of new & inventive ways to take the Zombies down. Loads of pop-culture references and nods to Quentin Tarantino & others and of course the creation of one of my most favorite quotes ever........"FUCK-A-DOODLE-DO!" This one will have you cracking up within the first ten minutes. A++

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Must See" Horror Film #33

The Others (2001)

This film didn’t break any box office records but it still stands up as a genuinely creepy horror film. The story revolves around Grace (Nicole Kidman) and her two young children, Anne and Nicholas, living together in a dimly lit mansion. The children are photosensitive/allergic to sunlight and must remain indoors with shades drawn at all times. Grace attempts to keep order in the house despite the fact she is without her husband, who is away fighting in World War 2. She finds her job made even more difficult when her servants suddenly vanish without a trace.  Mysteriously, three more servants appear on her doorstep one day and she cautiously accepts their help. Once the new servants are settled in Grace begins to notice unexplained phenomena in the mansion. This movie has a unique storyline and a surprise ending. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Must See" Horror Film #34

The Wicker Man (1973)
*Make sure you rent the 1973 version..... NOT the new version with Nicolas Cage*

Mainland Police Sergeant Neil Howie receives an anonymous letter from the remote “Summerisle” off the coast of Scotland informing him of a missing person. A young girl has apparently vanished and he heads off to investigate her disappearance. Upon arriving he finds that the entire town seems to deny her very existence. Even more sinister….. He learns that the town members are practicing Pagans. After viewing glimpses of rituals he fears the worst, perhaps this young girl will be their next sacrifice? This is an oldie but goodie with a surprise ending

Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Must See" Horror Film #35

Paranormal Activity (2007)

Don't listen to the haters.... this one is awesome! Somewhat of a viral film campaign akin to The Blair Witch Project. This one feels real which causes you to be want to cover your eyes & sink into the sofa all whilst squeezing the hand of the person sitting next to you until it breaks. (Make sure you don't watch this alone) The story focuses on a young couple, Katie and Micah, who have recently moved into a new home and find a presence appearing during the night. Come to find out, this isn't Katie's first experience with this presence.... it's been following her since childhood. Micah being resistant to the idea that there is something actually going on decides to try & document what is actually happening while they are sleeping. Once he sees what's going on during the night they decide to get professional help. Noises, moving objects & unexplained footprints will literally scare the bejesus out of you.

"Must See" Horror Film #36

The Frighteners (1996)
The Frighteners tells the story of Frank Bannister (Fox), an architect who develops psychic abilities allowing him to see, hear, and communicate with ghosts. After losing his wife, he uses his new abilities by cheating money out of customers for his "ghosthunting" business. This one is rated R however it is not "scary". It actually has a lot of comedy involved. Directed by Peter Jackson and co-written with his wife, Fran Walsh. Excellent visual effects & music by Danny Elfman make this a must see.