Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Must See" Horror Film #6

Aliens (1986) *Special note: Watch the EXTENDED DIRECTOR'S CUT*

I'm sure some people will disagree with Aliens being closer to number one on my must see horror list. It's a really tough call on which film is better. In my mind they are almost equal but Aliens stands out a bit more due to a few things. First, the character development and interaction is much more involved.... making you feel closer to the characters and truly care what happens to them. Secondly, the dialogue is dark yet playful and because of that there are far more memorable quotes and scenes in this film. And last but not least, no one does action sequences like Jim Cameron. In this second installment of the Alien movies we find that Ripley, the last survivor of the Nostromo, has drifted through outer space for 57 years. A salvage ship finds her escape shuttle and tows her to the nearest space station. When she awakens she is in for a shock as she finds out that everyone she's ever known and loved is gone. Her employers are unwilling to believe her story about what happened on LV-426 and hold her responsible for the loss of her ship and crew. After her pilots license is revoked she's left with little to do but work at the loading docks and deal with her recurrent nightmares. Soon after she settles in to her mundane life she finds the "company" knocking on her door asking for help. They have lost contact with new colony in place on LV-426 and have arranged a rescue mission to travel to the planet to look for survivors. Seeking out Ripley to act as a consultant they begin their rescue and recovery mission...... not knowing what they will find. When Ripley arrives at LV-426 she's faced with her worst nightmare again, multiplied times one hundred. As noted above, make sure tha when you watch this one that you choose the Director's cut. The story is much more fleshed out and is a completely different experience.

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